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Team Allocation and Grading Sessions (TAGS)

TAGS for 2024 was completed in February. No further sessions are occurring this season.

TAGS are aimed at all junior players from U8 thru U18 age groups, excluding players who have accepted an offer to play in a Selective Team (SAP, Development Squad, Super League, Diamond League).

These sessions are required for allowing the club's Technical Directors to assess the players in each age group to then recommend the appropriate teams and divisions for each player, based on their skill level. It is important to attend these sessions to ensure your child is placed in the most suitable team and division to continue their playing development.

Do Note:

  • Please register your child via Play Football in advance of TAGS. This ensures we can be organised with exercises and can plan appropriately for numbers, equipment, bibs etc.

  • All junior Community team players (excluding Under 6 & Under 7, and those already selected in Junior SAP, Development Squad, Super League, and Diamond League teams) are required to attend TAGS. ​U6 and U7 players will have a separate 'Welcome to Football' day, usually in early March.

  • During the season, Mixed teams play on Saturday mornings and include boys and girls. Girls teams play on Sunday mornings and are girls only.

  • Girls have the option of playing in a Girls-only team and a Mixed (boys and girls) team under the one registration fee. If you are planning to register your daughter for both girls only and mixed teams, please note that the expectation is that they will be fully committed to both teams during the season.


On The Day

Grading Information 

At WPFC, we focus on the correct allocation of players to teams according to ability and interest. Players benefit from the provision of improved team coaching through our Coach Education Programs and opportunities for specialised coaching through the Technical Training Program. 

The key outcomes which WPFC provides are: 

  • full grading opportunities for players in the Under 8 thru Under 18 age groups;

  • establishing our teams so the skill range among players in a team is within an appropriate band. 

WPFC also has a strong focus on grassroots coach education for our volunteer coaches. This results in better skill development for all junior players. Coach Education Programs, fully funded by the Club, are offered to our coaches both in pre-season and during the season.

What happens after TAGS?

  • Team allocations are due to be finalised in March, with notifications to parents being provided the Age Group Managers.

  • Following announcement of the teams, each team will need to nominate and agree Coach and Manager.  

  • The team Coaches and Managers will liaise with the Age Group Managers and Training Grounds Administrator to secure training venues and timeslots.

  • Please be sure to watch out for emails from your Age Group Manager, for further information on status and progress. If you have any specific queries or concerns, please contact them. 

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